Monday, August 24, 2015


Marriage isn't a place of waiting, it knows nothing about delay or not. It's not even a race where someone becomes a winner when they have reached the finish line and you suddenly become a loser, and feel ashamed for not reaching the line yet.

Don't force yourself to become the winner for it ain't a race to be won. Your heart can never be and never will become the participant.

Time isn't the enemy for you to find the one that suits you the best, your ego is. If you married just to fulfill your ego, then you're building it up upon false dreams and when you realize.. it was all too late.

It's better for you to wait for the right person to come and love you for who you are than to love someone just because everyone think it's best for you.

*I'm not married not because I don't want to, I just stop to believe in the institution of marriage. And if you ever wonder about the picture, yes it's was (supposed to be) my wedding ring.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


People often ask me why did I tattooed my body and since when? Aren’t my religion prohibits it? Will it keep on going? What will others says if they see you? And my answers were quite simple..

When people started to judge me based on my sassy appearance, I started to cover it with tattoo. My religion never forbids me to inked, yet it’s written not to ate un-kosher food and tattoo ain’t food. Hell yeah it will keep on going, till I found any particular reason to quit. Not that I don’t care what others think bout me, it’s more than what’s God’s that matters.

So if you feel not comforting to be around me, suit yourself.. the door are always one step behind you.